Hi john, I found great difficulty opening any page on here and only when I punched the tablet screen in frustration did it open. I am now a total Luddite and all this technology is putting me off. Can you add an idiots guide as to what buttons to press to access on this site? By the way please add a T to the end of John Mclymont name. Sorry for negative comment , not intended.
Our Mov Ops Course photo is missing from the site, which was No.12 and started on 27 Feb 1974. I used to buy a copy of each course pic I attended so if I should unearth a copy of it in the near future, then I will furnish you with it.
I will see if I can change that when I next update the site. In the interim, in Firefox and Chrome you can zoom in by using ctrl + then to reset ctrl 0
Hi john, I found great difficulty opening any page on here and only when I punched the tablet screen in frustration did it open. I am now a total Luddite and all this technology is putting me off. Can you add an idiots guide as to what buttons to press to access on this site? By the way please add a T to the end of John Mclymont name. Sorry for negative comment , not intended.
Thanks Nev. It wasn't in the album at the School or I would have scanned it at the time. Appreciate a copy to make the set as complete as possible.
Our Mov Ops Course photo is missing from the site, which was No.12 and started on 27 Feb 1974. I used to buy a copy of each course pic I attended so if I should unearth a copy of it in the near future, then I will furnish you with it.
I will see if I can change that when I next update the site. In the interim, in Firefox and Chrome you can zoom in by using ctrl + then to reset ctrl 0
The size/resolution of the Movements School course photographs is far too small - cannot see the faces or read the names.